

Price: $1.00/ Per Pill


A sexual disorder in men has become a prominent history, with men looking for the best and most effective treatment or solution to alleviate the agonizing illness known as ED (erectile dysfunction). There are numerous anti-impotence medications on the market that claim to be effective in treating your persistent sexual issue. Putting all of this aside, Eriacta, the most recent addition to the market, is widely regarded as the best and most effective ED treatment tablet. It is thought to be one of the most well-known and effective treatments for impotence in men. It’s an oral supplement that’s also referred to as the “blue pill” on the market.

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What are the effects of eriacta?

Eriacta consumption improves blood circulation via clogged veins, which has a direct impact on penile erection. The medicine aids in the improvement of anarchy by opening penile pathways and simplifying blood supply via veins to the penis. This drug contains sildenafil citrate, a major component that works wonders by inhibiting the phosphodiesterase type 5 enzyme.

The dosage direction 

The most anticipated and commended dosage of eriacta that found assuaging the snag of ED afflicted men, is 50mg. In case, if the drug fails to response well, you can precede with100mg drug. One supposed to take this drug one hour prior exercising sexual intercourse. It takes some around 30 to 40 minutes to get dissolve completely in the blood and response. The effect lasts for 5 hours, where you can enjoy the sexual intercourse non-stop for that particular period of time.

Safety method

  • Do not exercise eriacta daily; take as it has been directed.
  • Alcohol and smoking cigarettes may cause severe side-effects.
  • Anyone allergic to this drug must avoid consuming it.
  • Heavy, spicy and cheesy meal must evade consuming this pill.
  • Avoid taking two different pills at a time; since, it leads to cause some kind of severe side-effects.

Side-effects: An unclear vision, weakness, exhaustion, constipation, body pain, chest pain, etc. are some most seen form of side-effects.

Storage: Situate it in the room temperatureand in the box to prevent from heat, moisture and kids.

Additional information



USFDA Manufacturer

Ranbaxy Ltd


Zydus Healthcare


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