Vitamin C


Take care of your body, and it will look after you.

The most important complement is vitamin C. It is utilized as a dietary supplement all over the world. Vitamin C is incredibly important since humans can generate it from their own cells. This product is necessary for the formation and repair of tissues in our bodies, and because the body does not retain Vitamin C in its tissues, we must consume it on a regular basis.

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Vitamin C deficiency:

Vitamin C deficiency is unusual because nearly all of the foods we eat include some quantity of Vitamin C. Because smoking reduces Vitamin C absorption, smokers are at a higher risk of Vitamin C deficiency.

Side effects of Vitamin C lack include: 

  • Dry hair
  • Inflammation of gums, bleeding of gums, unpleasant, dry skin.
  • Reduction of wound mending rate, nose bleeds.
  • decreased capability to fight against diseases
  • The most serious type of Vitamin C deficiency results in scurvy. Scurvy prompts the development of liver spots on the skin, swelling of gums and bleeding from mucous membranes. An individual with this sickness looks pale, feels depressed and is incompletely immobilized. In scurvy there are open wound which consequently prompts loss of teeth.
  • Low levels of this supplement m may result in hypertension, gallbladder problem, stroke, tumor and atherosclerosis, the formation of plaque causes heart attack and stroke. You can consume enough Vitamin C to diminish the danger of creating these conditions.


The prescribed supplement consumption for grown-ups is 40 milligrams of vitamin C every day.


Utilize carefully in individuals taking anti-toxins, anticancer patients, HIV prescriptions, barbiturates, estrogens, fluphenazine, or iron supplements. Consuming high amount s of these supplemental results in kidney problem. Use these tablets circumspectly, as dental problem may happen from biting these tablets frequently. Individual Stay away from known hypersensitivity or affect to any fixings in Vitamin C items. Don’t take from high amounts of vitamin C in individuals with kidney problem.

Drug interaction: 

Vitamin C in high doses may interfere with the blood thinning effects of Aspirin, anticoagulants, for example, warfarin or heparin, and anti platelet medications, for example, clopidogrel. This tablet may influence glucose levels. An alert is prompted when utilizing solutions that may affect glucose level.


Store these tablets at room temperature, somewhere around 59 and 86 degrees F (15 and 30 degrees C). Keep these tablets out of the compass of youngsters.

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30 Pills, 60 Pills, 90 Pills


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